How do I recognise low Self-Esteem?
There are many ways that people have traditionally believed low self-esteem manifests. While some of these may have a degree of truth, there seems to be one sure way to identify low self esteem.
May I ask you some questions?:
Are you, or would you consider yourself to be a people pleaser? or do feel you are here just to support others? Are you not great at voicing your own opinion or needs?
You may have tried to change how you feel internally by repeating positive mantras and affirmations such as:
"Today I will feel better about myself and be happier" - research found that this increased the esteem of those who already felt a degree of positivity about themselves...
How do I Start to Make a Change?
You are in a far better position than you know right now! In the session I will explain how I know this and why you should too...
I have a 10-step programme to better self-esteem whereby at the end of the sessions you can:
- Feel attractive
- Stop the self-blame and stop being a victim
- Overcome any inferiority complex
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Stop seeking approval from others
- Feel more security
- Accept who you are and find your identity
- Begin to put yourself first
- Realise you are worth it
- Recognise your positive self-esteem
The aim is for complete change - long term sustainable transformation. There's a lot to do, questions and tasks, counselling, coaching, hypnotherapy and check-ins, some with coffee.
My self-esteem program is not a usual hypnotherapy session as there is a lot to do in-between sessions and there are more sessions than would be usual needed - however, this is a long term investment in yourself.