More information about relationship issues
Life can be a tough, lonely journey. At work you work long hours and then come home on their own to rest before doing it all over and again. Why is it though that some people seem to be in a relationship permanently, enjoying life and free time whilst others feel as though they are going to be left on the ‘shelf’ and never be happy? Not just that, there is so much that life has to offer that there is not enough time to do everything that a one would like to do, especially trying to earn a living – this article concentrates on a few actions that you can take to improve your current relationship or put you in a great place to start a new fantastic relationship with yourself and then a partner.
People like people who are like us – we crave attention from others even if we say we do not, even the most introverted of us would like company, even if it just to sit in quiet peace with each other. In fact, our true happiness does depend on our own internal sense of well-being, confidence and contentment/happiness which comes from the right amount of contact with others. How can this e true? Well, we know the feeling we get when we think that we are not liked by someone, we get emotional and we feel emotions from sadness to deep pain.
So, a few things to remember and things that you can do right now:
- Not everyone is going to like you. This isn't an issue – accept it and be professional, don’t gossip or judge others and be nice to those that you don’t click with. You never know what’s going on in their lives. Do not worry about what everyone else thinks, you do not need external validation.
- Accept you for who you are. Whatever your skills, your likes or dislike – be you and be genuine. Be easy going.
- Don’t try to impress anyone, be natural, and understand your own values and interests – be passionate about them and be excited by what you enjoy.
- When you talk to people, listen to what they have to say – give a little more than you would and be conscious of wanting to ask more questions about what they are excited about. Do not try to solve their issues, they may just want to talk about stuff.
- Say sorry when you are wrong. Say no sometimes instead of yes, don’t over commit. Be polite and say thank you now and then.
- Challenge yourself and be open to learning
- Have a healthy lifestyle, get fit, be active, eat well.
- Be honest and never take the credit for something you don’t deserve to.
There are two ways to be in life? One, you react or two you pro-act… If you are proactive, other people will be responding to your decisions – it is a nice place to be at. I was once told that one of the most powerful things that you can do in a bad situation is – nothing – the power of nothing and doing nothing is strangely empowering – embrace the here and now – choosing to do nothing is at least within your control.
There may be other reasons that you are unhappy with your personal and professional relationships. With hypnotherapy we will work on those issues that you are unable to solve on your own – these are some of the possible underlying reasons why you aren't able to face a relationship:
- Trauma
- Abusive past relationships
- Low self-esteem
- Lack of confidence
- Guilt
- Lack of sexual interest
- Sexual abuse
- Rule making
- Too defensive
We casn work together to get the foundations right for the future and wherever opportunities may take you.
What do I do now?
Often with relationship issues, there are a number of underlying reasons. It is likely that a number of sessions will be needed to really resolve things for you.
After a mixture of coaching and therapy we will work in hypnosis and really make some changes to the way that you subconscious reacts to different situations. You will be amazed at how different life can and will be for you. People often can’t believe that they will be able to have a normality of life which thus far has alluded them – its only afterwards that they see things from a different perspective. You can be happy.