Changing the world together with Hypnotherapy

on Thu 22 Sep


Hello from a damp and overcast Southampton.  It would seem that the Summer is now moving on and making way for Autumn – and I really enjoy the Autumn weather – wind in the trees, the wonderful colours of golds and oranges and then of course the rain against the window panes.   Although things are changing, it doesn’t have to be a bad change does it.

I have been watching today the announcement by Mark Zuckerberg that along with his wife, the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, that they are going to be pledging $3B to fighting diseases for our children – I think that this is an important announcement which is going to drive success and something I was excited to hear about.  Anything to fight the cruelty of disease is a good thing.  Then I asked myself, but what about helping people and children now.  Those who don’t have enough food or shelter – those who are living day to day fighting for their family and children’s survival.  The homeless on our streets needing help, a cause I support and back. 

There is a lot of trouble and violence around the world today – The Middle East - Africa – The Far East – all ready to put the survival of the human race to test.

Now, I am realistic.  I am unable to change the world – I have a utopian view that perhaps we should be fighting for health and happiness, love and peace all around the world and feel saddened by the way that politics doesn’t seem to do politics effectively maybe there are those of course who have a differing agenda, those who lack conscience and morals, ethically bankrupt. Again, I can do nothing about them.

So what can I do?  I can help my bit of the world.  Those that seek my support and help, in whatever they choose – be it a personal issue that’s really limiting their enjoyment of life, or indeed a professional issue that they wish to explore how to overcome.  I am always happy to assist and will continue to do so – doing a job I love and helping change people for the better. 

If you would like to see how I have helped people change through hypnotherapy and coaching in Southampton and on Harley Street, London  – see the testimonials on my web site or on google.

Thanks for reading this – let’s help change the world to make it a better place – and the last word goes to Mark Zuckerberg – “together we have an opportunity to leave the world better than we found it.”


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