Can Hypnotherapy Help with Depression
Dr Iain Lightfoot on Thu 12 SepIntegrating the Human Givens approach with hypnotherapy offers a comprehensive strategy for addressing depression and low mood by focusing on meeting fundamental human needs and re-framing negative thought patterns. This method provides both practical tools and deep insights to enhance emotional well-being and support lasting recovery.
Regain Your Well-Being Today
Dr Iain Lightfoot on Wed 15 May
At some point, everyone experiences feelings of sadness or low mood. These emotions are part of the human experience and can be triggered by a variety of factors. However, when these feelings persist and start to interfere with daily life, they may signal the onset of depression. Understanding the reasons behind feeling down and recognising the signs of depression can help people seek appropriate support and interventions.
Post Covid therapy
Dr Iain Lightfoot on Thu 16 JulThe social lockdown has invcreased the number of anxiety and depression cases. This BLOG explores the triggers and potential strategic options to improve COVID19 mental health.
Christmas Message
Iain Lightfoot on Thu 1 DecThis week's blog is about how Christmas can bring about feelings of not being good enough... Of feeling low and how we feel the need to create the perfect Christmas.
You are not alone and you are not at fault.
Hypnotized by Nature
Iain Lightfoot on Sun 8 MayHello and welcome to this week's blog.
It's about two things - gaining energy from forgotten activity and looking at things from a different perspective.